venerdì 6 settembre 2013

Xray CAT Survival Toolkit 1.5 released

Italy’s leading independent games and tools developer, Raylight, today announced that their XrayCat ST v.1.5 toolset is now available for purchase. After the success of the first release they worked closely to Autodesk and customers to provide a new set of features which make XrayCat ST v.1.5 the ultimate tool to speed up rigging and animation work pipelines.
The new features includes:
Layer Manager
- Autoscan of Cat rigs in the scene
- Resizable Window
Pose Manager
- Playback tools
JoyCreator Pro
- Totally rewritten
- 8 directions joystick added
- infinite layers (cat layers and morph targets) for any map point of the joystick, with different
- Easing curves to give different accelerations to each layer in the list
- Non destructive system to edit the created joystick/s
For purchase, information, tutorial videos please visit our web site:
Facebook page:
Twitter: @Raylight_Games

lunedì 22 luglio 2013

XrayCat v1.5 is about to release, we realised a complex rig structure for a transformer like

XrayCat v1.5 is about to release, we realised a complex rig structure for a transformer like

robot to explain better the power of out tool and how useful it can be to achieve

good results quickly and easily .

mercoledì 22 maggio 2013

TurricaN Wip

 I have start to modelling my youngness prefered videogame character

martedì 21 maggio 2013

venerdì 5 aprile 2013

New feature added to XrayCat ST 1.0 in the Pose Manager

Pose Transform Type-In Panel:
This panel enhances the same pose offset and mirror functionalities already used in CAT pose loading.
After loading a pose this panel becomes active: a position and rotation offset in X, Y and Z axes can be applied to the pose, using the corresponding spinners.

The “Reset Transform” button resets all the spinners, restoring the original loaded pose.

The “Mirror” checkbutton, when active, mirrors the pose maintaining the same offset.

Finally, the user can choose to confirm the loaded pose, using the “Ok” button, or undo the loading, using the “Cancel” button.
This is a free update, registered user please connects to our ftp to download it and install over the old version with the same activation key you received.