mercoledì 31 dicembre 2014

Natron V1.0 free compositing software

Natron V1.0 very nice alternative to Nuke in compositing and it is also free

Aggiungi didascalia
You can download it and find more info at this link:

sabato 6 dicembre 2014

sabato 1 novembre 2014

3DS Max- Freestyle Rigging Toolkit

Version: 1.0
Author Name: Jack Bowyer

Download link:

It allows you to create almost any rig in a modular fashion by simply drawing points and creating rig modules in between them.
It also has features for space switching, animation geometry and some hard coded deformation systems for the hip and shoulder.
Unfortunately, I've had to divert all of my attention towards learning Maya to increase my chances of finding a job. This means that the script is partially incomplete- there are a few bugs etc. It's also severely lacking in tutorials and user help. So far, there hasn't been much testing on the created rigs- I would be careful about using this in an important project for now.
I've left the code unencrypted so people can use this as a reference for their own scripts, or fix any bugs themselves. I was relatively new to scripting when I began this, so the code isn't exactly efficient or easy to understand however. You're welcome to modify it, but please don't steal it and pass it off as your own.
Tested on max 2013 and 2014. Max 2015 has some issues with slider interaction being really slow but it still works.
Maybe in the future I'll come back to this and make some proper documentation, but for the time being just try your best to follow the video (some features have been added since the video, to make things even more confusing...)

If you really need help then feel free to drop me an email.

Have fun!

venerdì 24 ottobre 2014

Animation tutorial trailer from Felix Sputnik

I'm thinking about putting together a bunch of tutorial videos, something like this but much more detailed.

Let's see if anyone would be interested...

3DS Max Tutorial - Rigging Waves from Josh Clos

A quick tutorial from Josh Clos on how to rig a simple wave in 3DS Max using morphers and the reaction manager. You can download the project file from the tutorial with the link below.

Download Project File

martedì 21 ottobre 2014

3ds Max Tutorial: Hexagon Particle Grid

By now, many of us are now familiar with a new gallery from Lee Griggs, a talented artist who created beautiful images using Maya and XGen combined with rendering in Arnold like the images below. He even offers a tutorial on the effect he created here.


giovedì 16 ottobre 2014

Case Study: Lost & Found

Here's a brief look behind the scenes, and a quick breakdown of some of the techniques we used to create our film for Woolmark: Lost & Found.


venerdì 3 ottobre 2014

mercoledì 3 settembre 2014

Hippydrome - Human body references for rigging

One of the best website references for understand the correct edge flow in the modelling a human body for rigging

Find it here:

mercoledì 20 agosto 2014

Rattle 1.0 - Parametric Noise Generator... Released!!!

Find it here:

Rattle 1.0 is a script for Autodesk 3ds Max to manage noise in different ways in your scene and animations.
With Rattle you can use the noise on animation controllers in very easy way and in single and multi selection. You can use also the noise deformers to give noise to your meshes and create variation in your scene and animation.

- Relative Noise Controllers (so you can have it as additive controller to your animation )
- Noise Position Controller
- Noise Rotation Controller
- Noise Scale Controller
- Noise Deformer
- Noise Bend Deformer
- Noise Twist Deformer
- Compatible with 3dsmax bones
- Compatible with 3dsmax CAT
- Compatible with camera (such as camera shake)
- Compatible with all standard objects

venerdì 1 agosto 2014

Rattle Launch Trailer

Hello guys, this is the official Rattle v1.0 launch trailer. It will be available for purchase in the next few days from our web site:

For further info and news about Rattle please join our facebook page:

martedì 22 luglio 2014

lunedì 21 luglio 2014

Akeytsu teaser

Nukeygara has posted a teaser video showing their new rigging and animation software at work. Akeytsu has been developed by animators for animators, offering an artist-friendly workflow. 

venerdì 18 luglio 2014

Side Effects unveils Houdini Engine for 3ds Max, Unreal

Side Effects Software has officially released its Houdini Engine plugin for Maya, and announced that a user-made 3ds Max equivalent is in the works, alongside with the company’s own new Unreal plugin.


lunedì 14 luglio 2014

venerdì 11 luglio 2014

PBR Practical Workflow

In this demonstration, Richard Piper gives a quick overview of physically based rendering using Marmoset's Basic Theory of Physically-Based Rendering as a reference and in doing so explains some of the most important concepts that you need to understand in order to get started in PBR. He then shows how to practically apply these concepts within Substance Painter to get the results you need on your assets.

from: Eat 3D:

PBR Practical Workflow from Eat 3D on Vimeo.

Growing a Brain Pattern [Particle Flow + Frost Tutorial]

In this tutorial you'll learn how to create a procedural brain pattern with Particle Flow and Frost. This way you'll be able to model a brain in a few minutes or even put the brain pattern on any kind of surface, like your logo or some text.
On the second part we'll create some veins the make it more realistic.

You can download the Brain Base Mesh and the Final Scene here:

Interviews, News, Tutorials and a lot of Inspiration on

Tutorial developed by Alvaro Moreira and Particle Skull.

Growing a Brain Pattern [Particle Flow + Frost Tutorial] from Particle Skull on Vimeo.

martedì 1 luglio 2014

3D Interview with the Masters | Feat. Alessandro Baldasseroni

Working at Blur Studios, Alessandro specializes not only in character modeling but also texturing and lighting. He is an extremely experienced and highly talented artist who has worked on such titles as Mass Effect 2, Fable 2 and 3, Arkham Origins, Elder Scrolls Online, and many more. CGMA is also honored to have Alessandro as an adviser on our Advisory Board.

Splitting treasure tutorial

A tutorial by Adam Reid and Particle Skull that uses Particle Flow to recreate the splitting treasure effect made by Tippett studio for Harry Potter’s film.

venerdì 27 giugno 2014

Depth of field with Vray Zdepth Pass. 3DS Max / Eyeon Fusion

A coworker had asked me to show my workflow for implementing depth of field in Fusion. Nothing earth shattering here, but I thought someone else might find the information helpful. (Ship Modeled / Textured /
Shaded by Yoshi Vu and Hong Zhu. I Lit, and animated the Camera, and composited)

Video from Paris Hall

domenica 22 giugno 2014

Tutorial: Advanced VRay render elements compositing in After Effects

Author: Steven Olver
Compositing VRay render passes is an important subject for the purposes of both quality and flexibility in our compositing workflow. Being able to adjust colours, reflections and even individual lights in the scene long after the render is complete is not only exceptionally powerful, but also sometimes necessary for speedy turnaround on client changes. In this tutorial I’m going to get straight to point with quick yet powerful formulas for advanced render element compositing in After Effects using VRay for 3ds Max. The same principles will apply to other compositing and 3D packages as well. We’ll start off with a basic composite using only 5 passes and further on we’ll tackle an advanced method using 13 render elements.

domenica 8 giugno 2014

Rattle 1.0 - Noise Deformer

This example has been made with Rattle Noise Deformer, it manages to create different forms starting from basic one with a single mouse click.

sabato 7 giugno 2014

Rattle 1.0 - Finished to add the noise controllers layer manager - update 04

Almost there...
...finished to add the noise controllers layer manager:
- Ui changes
- Adding Layer manager
- Animatable Layer weight

lunedì 2 giugno 2014

RenderMan/RIS | Interactive Re-Rendering

Interesting tutorial on Skin Morph in 3ds Max

This is a video I put together on how to use the Skin Morph modifier in 3ds Max to fix skinning problems. Skin Morph tools are not great for re-modelling joints so I show you how to import morph targets which you can model using all the normal tools. Also where you can use Skin Morph to fix common skinning issues. I hope you find it useful...

Pixar Renderman software set free!!!

Great news from Pixar!
Pixar Renderman software set free so you can make your own Toy Story

domenica 1 giugno 2014

venerdì 16 maggio 2014

Rattle 1.0 - Work in progress Update 02

I have completed the other three modules for noise deforming: Noise Deformer, Noise Bend Deformer and Noise Twist Deformer.

domenica 11 maggio 2014

Rattle 1.0 - Work in progress Update 01

Rattle 1.0 is an suite of tools in 3ds Max script that will help you to manage the noise in your scenes Actually Rattle can work with animation controllers, bones, meshes, camera, CAT bones, shapes, helpers.
With the power of noise you can give to your scene and animations many variations in very fast and easy way.

Rattle 1.0 includes these tools:
Noise Animation Controllers: Noise Position Controller, Noise Rotation Controller, Noise Scale Controller
Noise Deformation Controllers: Noise Deformer, Noise Bend Deformer, Noise Twist Deformer

mercoledì 16 aprile 2014

Render Farm Tutorial for 3DS Max Design from Westphal College

This video will show you how to render a scene in 3DS Max by sending it to Westphal college's Renderfarm. The scene used only took 45 minutes to render on the farm. The same scene took over 3.5 hours to render locally

Render Farm Tutorial for 3DS Max Design from Westphal College on Vimeo.