venerdì 24 ottobre 2014

Animation tutorial trailer from Felix Sputnik

I'm thinking about putting together a bunch of tutorial videos, something like this but much more detailed.

Let's see if anyone would be interested...

3DS Max Tutorial - Rigging Waves from Josh Clos

A quick tutorial from Josh Clos on how to rig a simple wave in 3DS Max using morphers and the reaction manager. You can download the project file from the tutorial with the link below.

Download Project File

martedì 21 ottobre 2014

3ds Max Tutorial: Hexagon Particle Grid

By now, many of us are now familiar with a new gallery from Lee Griggs, a talented artist who created beautiful images using Maya and XGen combined with rendering in Arnold like the images below. He even offers a tutorial on the effect he created here.


giovedì 16 ottobre 2014

Case Study: Lost & Found

Here's a brief look behind the scenes, and a quick breakdown of some of the techniques we used to create our film for Woolmark: Lost & Found.


venerdì 3 ottobre 2014